The Clique is now OFFICIALLY registered in the Online Gaming League.


[Clique] The Clique vs. [SC] Screaming Cannibals

·Match Outcome: Forfeit Win/No Match Played
·Final Scores: N/A
·Maps Played: N/A
·Screenshots: N/A
·Oppossing Clan Website: N/A

·Match Description: N/A

[Clique] The Clique vs. [SAT] Stealth Assault Team

·Match Outcome: Win
·Final Scores: [SAT] 5 - [Clique] 16
·Maps Played: Militia
·Screenshots: Round 1 | Round 2
·Oppossing Clan Website: SAT Clan Page

·Match Description: Our very first match in OGL! Very good match, we had some difficulty with the lag, but we coped with it. Still it was a very good match. Some of the [SAT] members though, they need control their anger and try to show sportsmanship. Overall though, their leader is cool and so are a few of their players. GG SAT.